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Online Percussion Studio

Xylophone, Marimba, Vibraphone, Glockenspiel, Tubular Bells, Timpani...

Xylophone, Marimba, Vibraphone, Glockenspiel, Tubular Bells, Timpani...

Congas, Bongos, Timbales, Shakers, Tambourines, Bass Drum, Tam-Tam...

Congas, Bongos, Timbales, Shakers, Tambourines, Bass Drum, Tam-Tam...

Jazz & Rock Kit sizes plus an array of cymbal choices...

Jazz & Rock Kit sizes plus an array of cymbal choices...

100% satisfaction and the same quality of sound as commercial studios, without the studio fee

James Turner - percussionist/drummer, Online Percussion Sessions - Studio JT/World Of Percussion